Wednesday, January 23, 2013


January 23, 2013

Well I got a good chunk of it written. I spent the week trying to sleep, write, and stop looking at publishing sites. I have to keep reminding myself not to look at those sites until my book is finished, otherwise I won't ever finish writing because I get so excited for when I do finish that I stop writing and spend hours looking up information for when my book is done.

I should probably wait. I might forget everything I've learned that might help me and then I'll have to go back and read the same information again and all it is doing is wasting my time.

So far I am happy with the progress I've made. I've written probably ten pages this week, which is wonderful for me. I'm lucky if I get a page a day done a day usually.

I'm a natural born procrastinator. I'll sit down and say "Okay I'm going to sit here all day and write with no distractions." and then what do I do? I go online and look at publishing sites and then go to YouTube and watch cute puppy videos.It would be nice if I was writing a book on puppies, then I'd have a reason to watch those videos all day, but I'm not. I'm sure I'd have a lot more work done if  my internet went out, but it is a great way to get information on stuff I need in my story.

For instance in one scene, I have a character in the hospital and the doctor is explaining what happened, why she's like that and what they are doing to fix the problem. In real life I have no clue, so I spent the whole day researching the symptoms that the character would have as well as trying to get my imaginary doctor to explain things.

I still have a lot more to research on different subjects within the book, but let me tell you I know a lot more on that one subject then I thought I'd ever know to begin with. Come on Dr. Phil, lets see who knows more now!

It's a lot of work, but I know in the end it will be worth.


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