Monday, April 15, 2013

Organizing and POV

April 15, 2013

I think I'm stalling myself today. After I write this blog, I'm going to go and work on organizing everything I've written and basically just try and make it easier for me to get to each document. I keep questioning myself about all the documents that have to do with my story. I always wonder if most authors have their story all on one word document and then they go around and edit it that way or do they make a gazillion little ones and then add it together once they finish.

I think I just make it worse for myself. I know that a lot of authors have a system they use to help them write, that they organize it from the first to the last page and then some who probably diagram it, criticizing each little part of it until they think they've gotten it perfect.

I do have a lot written and most of it is each little document that is. I have about eleven documents full of one story; broken down in parts, kinda like chapters. They're not in order though. My documents are named Cstory 1, Cstory 2, Cstory 3 and ect... but here is where it's slightly confusing. Cstory 1 is the summary of my story from start to finish, Cstory 2 is chapter 10 and Cstory 3 is chapter 1. See what I mean? Not very organized, so after this blog I plan on fixing that and making it easier.

On the bright side though I am writing this on my new laptop! I'm happy. Just got it Sunday. I call it my writing laptop, which makes since, considering I plan on using it mostly for writing and nothing else. (Except maybe for reading a book or two about writing a book and maybe also watching my favorite movie...again.)

One thing that I am cautious of is that my sentences don't start with and or but or that all my sentences start with I. I remember my fifth grade teacher talking about that. I follow that advice, but if you agree or disagree let me know.  I do realize though, that when writing first person that is kinda of hard to do. I write in first and third pov. Which do you like better, first or third person?


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Writer's Block vs Being Lazy

April 7, 2013
3:43am (aka zombie mode)

I very much apologize for my lack of writing. There really is no excuse for it.

I've gotten into the swing of writing and staying up and trying to finish a page. I really envy people who can write a book in thirty days. I'm luck if I get ten pages written in a month, but could you imagine being able to do that? I would love for it to be that way sometimes.

My problem with writing this book is that right now I'm actually writing three different books. Granted one has a lot more pages written then the others, but the second one I'm writing has been my focal point right now, so it's catching up pretty quickly. I have to say though, I think the last one is my favorite story line so far; the only problem is I only have about ten pages of that written. So my main problem is, which one do I focus on? Now a dream come true scenario would be that I get them all finished at the same time and they all get published right away and then everybody likes them! I know, I my dreams...but hey they are good dreams.

Now first I'll address the latter of my title, which is Being lazy. One, that does have to do with my lack of blogging. (Sorry!) and two, I think referring to the fact that I have the character interactions, certain scenes that I want in the story, and dialogue in my head. The problem is that when I go to write it down - I can't get it out right and thus in my head I think that will happen every time I try to write it out and then I get lazy and don't want to write it.

The Writer's Block has to do with the fact that I have gotten most of the important scenes out of the way, but I don't have much, if any written that leads up to said important scene. So in one story I have the Second chapter written, then I need at least another two chapters before it gets to the next complete chapter that I have written. I guess you can call it filler chapters, although I really am not a fan of that term. The question then, is how can I write 'filler chapters' or sentences that won't be boring or that make me want to skip ahead to the good stuff.
